Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back to 'School'?

My last post was 'The I Heart Revolution' by Joel Houston. Make no mistake about it. It has been 7 months since I updated my beloved blog. In fact, as I was logging in, there was a slight worry that the blog may have by any chance been suspended due to inactivity (like my Maybank account after 1 year being in Australia). Well, it hasn't - and I'm back to make a "long awaited comeback".

I guess I owe an explanation to you as a "loyal fan" if indeed you are/were on the delay. But it's the new year and explanation/excuses would not convince anyone most of the times. Of course, the last half a year or so was a period of tremendous change in my life. For one, I finally graduated from Uni. I can officially declare myself as a LLB holder/a graduate/ a degree holder and what not, but I was told it doesn't mean much in this part of the world. Moving on, I've also embarked to pursue a new cert - the Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP) in Brickfields Asia College (I shall not put in the url here as my adopted policy of not advertising for ANY private institutions since KDU misled me into doing so for my school magazine without any remuneration). CLP is notorious for its low passing rate so you can understand my situation. More importantly, I am also currently in my first job (permanent) at a law firm. So this is the long awaited new season in my life and perhaps it has passed the transitional period that I have decided to start blogging again (hopefuly I will endure to post several more within this few months).

Fast forward to 2008, I have already worked for 5 'whooping' months already and it was an awesome experience! to say the least. I have had my fair share of the busy days, the boring days, the excursion days (meeting clients with my boss) and challenging days (mistakes,mistakes,mistakes!)- but I am not sacked yet/not fired - now that's what I called an achievement. And as a matter of tradition and as well as a "taking-stock" thing, it is good to review the past year and preview the coming 12 months.


Breaking Chains and Rising Up was the theme for my 2007. To a certain extend I have broken chains and rose up - but perhaps I could have done better. Making meaningful and great new friends and exploring a new place at another part of the world seems to be the highlight for most part of the first half of the year. And jumping into working-life in the second half was a blown-away and challenging experience as well. I thank all my friends in Tassie, in Malaysia (2001_Youth7 & others), as well as my family and the most supportive and loving Yean- Love you all. Most of all, I thank the Good Lord for taking me through both the challenging, the exciting, the saddening, the happy moments of '07 -To God be the Glory.


Already it had been a eventful year for a few (Chua Soi Lek and The Royal Commission, for instance). And with CLP exams in July, it will be a year to be reckoned as well. They say it's good to put down all your resolutions come the new year, I find listing them down here a little uncomfortable- but enough said- the quote below does reflect my wishes and dreams and aspirations for 2008 - Year of the Rat:

To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the
affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the
betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To
leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a
redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you
have lived. This is to have succeeded.

- "What is Success?” by Bessie Anderson
in Heart Throbs Volume Two (1911) Edited by Joseph Mitchell Chapple

Happy New Year 2008 - Sincere Wishes from a Friend who Cares

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