It's 11 am now and in 5 minutes time my contract lecturer (Mr. Foong) will be in class and in 4 minutes time I would have to run there with all my might. However, that's not going to stop me from blogging, since I saw jthe girl beside me (in the lab) just happily putting additions into her blog. You can say that it's envyness or even impulsive, haha.
Anyway, I just finished an e-mail notifying Dr Tan Soo Inn (he's the man!), inviting him to talk about Star wars and Christianity in our CF. Well, it's almost certain he would be free to share (considering the fact that we gave him 3 dates to choose from), and I'm delirious that it would be a GREAT experience and insight... Indeed Star Wars has a lot to do with our walk with Christ even though some might not agree with me.
I just went through a hell of a busy week but thanks to GOd's grace, I managed to survive. This week? Gonna be another one of those weeks that I would really say 'Thank God it's Friday'.. assuming I live to see the weekened coming. And if you ask me how's my spiritual walk? I'm growing in maturity, but only at the great mercies that my Heavenly Father had gladly poured. May God draw me and pour His love and Grace abundantly. AMEN.
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